Biden’s Climate Summit Chicanery:
Poisoning the Planet and Deceiving the People

by Raymond Lotta

The global Earth Day summit convened by Biden was a cruel imperialist deception, a slap in the face for anyone who cares about the fate of the planet. A summit that showcased pledges and proposals that fly in the face of what science tells us about the urgency of the environmental crisis and the scale of action needed. Greta Thunberg, the global climate activist, righteously called out the summit for what it was: “bullshit.”

Iranian Political Prisoners Face Trials April 28 – Arbitrarily Detained, Denied Legal Rights

Emergency Appeal Demands Their Immediate, Unconditional Release, Freedom for All Political Prisoners

Appeal and Statement Endorsed by 1997 Nobel Laureate Jody Williams, Gloria Steinem, Former Prisoners & Relatives, over 1,500 other signers

As the Killer Pig Is Righteously Found Guilty…
…The Guilt of This System Can NOT Be Denied


The pig who murdered George Floyd has been found guilty on all three counts he was charged with. His guilt could not be denied. But the only reason there was such a trial in the first place is the fact that WE, people here and all over the world in our millions, came into the streets to demand justice night after night, standing up against murderous repression to do so. Through our struggle, justice has—in this case—been won and people are righteously celebrating.

IF You Are One of the People Who Is Rooting for Biden and Harris to “Unite the Country”… Here’s 3 Things to Think About:

As people went into the streets in righteous outrage against the police murder of Daunte Wright and other wanton pig murders and were once again met with violent police response, Biden said, “Peaceful protest is understandable. And the fact is that we do know that the anger, pain and trauma that exists in the black community in that environment is real, serious and consequential. But that does not justify violence.” (emphasis added)


Let’s get down to basics: We need a revolution—nothing less!

To everyone who can’t stand this world the way it is … who is sick and tired of so many people being treated as less than human … who knows that the claim of “liberty and justice for all” is a cruel lie … who is righteously enraged that injustice and inequality go on, and on, and on, despite false promises and honeyed words from people in power (or those seeking power) … everyone who agonizes about where things are headed and the fact that to be young now means being denied a decent future, or any future at all … everyone who has ever dreamed about something much better, or even wondered whether that is possible … everyone who hungers for a world without oppression, exploitation, poverty, and destruction of the environment … everyone who has the heart to fight for something that is really worth fighting for: You need to be part of this revolution.

Week One of the Trial of Derek Chauvin—
The Pig Who Murdered George Floyd

Heavy Testimony… High Stakes

The first week of testimony in Derek Chauvin’s trial—for the brutal murder of George Floyd—has been emotionally wrenching and infuriating. Although the prosecution has framed the case from the beginning as being about a few cops who “violated their oath” or “did not follow the training,” the case unfolding is painting a devastating picture of police terror and its toll.

Factsheet: Dangerous Surge in Transfers to Remote Locations of Iran’s Political Prisoners

Since December 2020, there appears to be concerted efforts to disperse those who have been standard bearers of resistance in Iran’s prisons including during their imprisonment, including many women prisoners. These women, from different political perspectives, have all been recently moved from the general population in various prisons in Iran to remote prison locations or put into solitary confinement.

150 Years Ago: The Paris Commune

150 years ago, in 1871, amidst a war between “their” government and that of Germany, working people in the capital city of France, long exploited, impoverished, and degraded, rose up to seize power and established a new form of association among people. This was the Paris Commune, which existed only in that one part of France, and which lasted for only two short months, but which represented, in embryonic form, a communist society in which distinctions of class and oppressive divisions among people would be finally abolished. The Commune was crushed by the weight and force of the old order—with thousands slaughtered in a valiant but ultimately vain attempt to keep the Commune alive. But the first steps had been taken toward a new world, the path had been opened, the way shown, if only fleetingly.

The Deep Roots of the Atlanta Murders in a Sick and Murderous System

On March 16, Robert Long, a 21-year-old white man, shot and killed six Asian women employed at Atlanta-area massage-parlor spas, along with two other non-Asian customers.

What we know so far of the accused killer’s motivation from credible news reports—that these women supposedly deserved and needed to be slaughtered to prevent him from “falling into sin”—points to the deep, widely spread and Christian-fascist-inspired hatred of women and the oppression and degradation of women that serves “as a social glue” for the entire society. And while there is not yet evidence of an explicit (openly stated) anti-Asian or anti-immigrant element in the accused killer’s motivations, there is the reality that he went out of his way to target these spas staffed by Asian women immigrants in the context of a marked increase of racist attacks against Asian immigrants nationally. Whatever the conscious intent, these sow terror among Asian people within the U.S.

Scientists Issue Urgent and Righteous Call to Face Up to the Environmental Emergency…
Our Invitation and Challenge: There IS a Path for “Avoiding a Ghastly Future”

Seventeen well-known international researchers in biology and the environment recently issued an urgent analysis and call to squarely confront the ecological emergency. Their widely commented on paper is titled  “Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future.” It brings together evidence from many scientific fields and pointedly observes that “the scale of the threats to the biosphere and all its life forms—including humanity—is in fact so great that it is difficult to grasp for even well-informed experts.”


1. This system of capitalism-imperialism is the source of endless horrors for the majority of people in this country and all around the world, and it is increasingly threatening the very existence of humanity. We are actively working for an actual revolution—to bring down, to overthrow and completely abolish, this whole system as soon as possible and replace it with something radically different and much better, a new society built on an entirely different foundation… Read more »