This research paper examines the dimensions of, and explores key dynamics and historical factors driving, the global growth of prostitution and trafficking of women into prostitution. “Sex work” is a profoundly and obscenely misleading term—what is involved is sexual exploitation: themarketed degradation and organized sexual submission of women to male domination. The “industrialization” of sexual exploitation refers to the fact that this sexual exploitation is globalized, large-scale, and organized. The “sex industry” encompasses brothel, street, and escort prostitution; strip clubs and massage parlors; pornography; military prostitution; and global “sex tourism” sites. This sexual exploitation has become increasingly normalized.
“Dictatorship” is generally considered a very bad thing. The very word “dictatorship” scares people. But, in fact, as I spoke to in the article Dictatorship And Communism—Facts And Foolishness: “not all dictatorships are bad.”1 It depends on the nature of the dictatorship: who is exercising dictatorship, with what methods, in whose interests and toward what goal. This, of course, is a very controversial statement. So, here I am going to bring out some more basic truth about this.
No Going back—No Surrender! Abortion on Demand & Without Apology! Forced Motherhood Is Female Enslavement! Christian Fascist Theocrats—Get Your Laws and Vigilantes Off Our Bodies! Patriarchy and Capitalism: You Can’t End One Without Ending The Other—Revolution, Nothing Less!
The defeat of the U.S. in its war against Afghanistan has had a complex effect. On the one hand, it is very good that America was defeated in its attempt to further impose its imperialist domination and plunder in the Middle East and Central Asia. On the other hand, the force which defeated it and has now come to power—the Islamic theocratic Taliban—will impose its own form of reactionary domination, including an extremely oppressive form of patriarchy. This painful dilemma and dynamic is captured in Bob Avakian’s description:
We received this important statement from the Communist Party of Iran (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist) regarding the situation of several political prisoners in Iran. We want this to be made known to our readers, and all those who are concerned about the situation of the political prisoners in Iran today. This translation is from, and any unclarities or errors are our responsibility.
In 2001, fanatical Islamic fundamentalists hijacked several airplanes and flew them into the World Trade Center, a massive office building in New York. The center was destroyed and nearly 3,000 people were killed. They also attacked the Pentagon, headquarters of the U.S. Defense Department. In response, the U.S., under Republican President George W. Bush, declared war against the government of Afghanistan, which had allowed the group that had done this—al Qaeda—to stay in their country. The Afghanistan government was headed by a fanatic and repressive Islamic fundamentalist group, the Taliban.
A number of articles posted previously at have exposed how the workings of capitalism-imperialism have led to needless horrors under the COVID-19 pandemic. ALL OF THIS has not only continued but gotten even more horrific. Part 1 of this article will examine how the pandemic has exacerbated poverty and hunger, especially in poor Third World countries; and will look at the ways already existing inequalities have been deepened with COVID-19.
Political prisoners Nahid Taghavi and Mehran Raouf have been sentenced to 10 years and 8 months each: ten years for “membership in an illegal group” and 8 months for “propaganda against the regime.”
Their sentences were handed down August 3 in a Tehran court behind closed doors, with no court hearing nor any measure of due process resembling a trial. It is unclear if the defendants were even present.
Sentences of six years and eight months were also issued for Somayeh Kragar and Bahareh Soleimani, and three years and four months was imposed on Nazanin Mohammadnejad.
Since July 15, the sustained rebellion by the people of Khuzestan, Iran has continued and is still spreading to small towns and large cities all over Iran. The uprising was precipitated by a lack of water and electricity rooted in the discrimination and oppression of Khuzestan’s minority Arab population. As of July 28, the daily and often militant mass marches and protests have spread to more than 40 cities. It has also drawn the support of very broad sections of Iranian society.
This research paper was spurred by analysis by Bob Avakian of major global socio-economic changes and social struggles over the last 50 years influencing shifts in class structure and political-ideological developments, especially the rise of fascism. My particular point of departure is from a section of that broader analysis:
Let’s get down to basics: We need a revolution—nothing less! To everyone who can’t stand this world the way it is … who is sick and tired of so many people being treated as less than human … who knows that the claim of “liberty and justice for all” is a cruel lie … who is righteously enraged that injustice and… Read more »
To all who stand for justice and yearn for a better world,
It is urgent that our Campaign’s Emergency Appeal be published online as soon as possible. We have a plan to do so, and you are needed to help raise the $5,000 needed.
A number of years ago, drawing from the title of a book by Benjamin Barber, I referred to one of the main confrontations taking place in the world as Jihad vs. McWorld/McCrusade. (“Jihad” here refers to Islamic fundamentalist terrorism, and “McWorld/McCrusade” to increasingly globalized western imperialism, infused with a poisonous sense of “the superiority of Western Christian Civilization.”) Read more »
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to Guatemala on June 7 to deliver a stern warning to people desperately seeking refuge in the U.S. from hunger and violence: “Do not come! Do not come! The United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our borders. If you come to our border, you will be turned back.”