Letter from a Reader
In the 1960s, the Black revolutionary leader Malcolm X raised the slogan “By Any Means Necessary” as a call for the fight for the liberation of Black people in this country. Recently, in the protests in support of the Palestinian struggle and against the genocidal attacks on Gaza, some people are raising the slogan “resistance by any means necessary.” Many of those doing this are upholding any and all of the forms of resistance to Zionist occupation and oppression of Palestinians as justified, including hailing and cheering what Hamas forces did against Israel on October 7.
Israel’s Genocidal Slaughter and Looming Crimes:
Made in the USA
Imagine you are a woman giving birth to a child in Gaza today under siege from Israeli bombs and tanks. On any given day, more than 180 women in Gaza face that life-threatening danger. You have gone through months of pregnancy without access to enough food, water, medical care, or shelter to be fit to give birth to a healthy child and yourself survive. Maybe you managed to evade bombs and Israeli snipers to get into a hospital. Maybe not. Maybe you needed a cesarian section delivery; if you did, there is a good chance it had to be done without anesthesia or even electricity.
Israeli Civilian “Protesters” Shut Down the Kerem Shalom Crossing to Starve Palestinian Children to Death in Gaza
If you don’t understand why we need a revolution, and how that revolution could be possible…
If you have thought about revolution but you say: “this could never really happen—we could never win”…
If you get stung—or nod your head—when you hear that the USA has never been a “great country”…
Every week The RNL Show exposes and digs deep into the roots of the problem that the people here and around the world face and it brings to life the solution through a real revolution to emancipate humanity. Watch the show together with others. Discuss and debate. Use The RNL Show as a guide to provoke, challenge, inspire, and organize for revolution. Watch and subscribe. And spread the word! youtube.com/therevcoms
Resistance Widens and Deepens as Iran’s Theocrats Execute More Political Prisoners
On January 25, the entire women’s ward of Evin Prison in Tehran went on a one-day hunger strike in response to the execution of two political prisoners. This was a spark which inspired many others in and outside of Iran’s prison and worldwide to join the symbolic strike.