by Bob Avakian
Part 1
Genocide means killing off a whole people, or a large part of that people. Genocide is what the Europeans did to the native peoples in America, while stealing their land. Genocide is Hitler and the NAZIs murdering six million Jews. Donald Trump is a genocidal racist.
Donald Trump hates Black people and everybody who is not a “white, English-speaking, Christian American.” If he could, he would kill off a whole lot of them, and put many of the rest in jail for life, or drive them out of the country.
Trump has spouted and shouted vicious racism for years, and decades.
Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, who knows him well, said this about him:
“I can only imagine the envy with which Donald watched” the cop killing George Floyd. “I can only imagine that Donald wishes it had been his knee on Floyd’s neck.” (emphasis added)
Think about that.
What do you think Trump will do if he can get his “knee” even more firmly on the necks of Black, Brown, and Native peoples?
Yes, even after slavery was ended, Black people have been continually subjected to horrific oppression and terror, right down to today—but the fully unleashed rule of genocidal racism, which is what Trump is aiming for, would be a horror on a whole other level. The slow genocide of Black people which has already been going on—through things like mass incarceration and continuing murder by police—can quickly become a much faster and more complete genocide if Trump and his regime succeed in remaining in power and carry forward more fully their fascist program.
And, as I have said in my August 1 Statement,* the hour is getting late, but it is not yet too late, to defeat the fascism concentrated in the fascist regime of Trump (and Pence) and to wrench something positive out of this increasingly terrible situation. But that requires fully facing up to what this regime of genocidal racist fascism represents and what it is aiming to do, and using all appropriate means to remove this regime from power—above all the mobilization of masses of people, to get in the streets, starting now, in the thousands, and stay in the streets, becoming millions, powerfully putting forward the unifying demand that this fascist regime must be OUT NOW!
And, as I emphasized in that August 1 Statement, in the most fundamental terms, it requires working to create more favorable conditions for, and to build up the organized forces for, the revolution that is needed to finally put an end to this system, which has from the beginning rested on genocidal racism and other horrific forms of oppression—and which now, with this fascist regime, is moving to take this to even more monstrous levels, posing a very real and grave threat to the very existence not only of Black people but the masses of oppressed humanity and ultimately humanity as a whole.
This is not hype or exaggeration in any way—it is the cold hard fact we are faced with—and it demands that, in the name of and for the future of humanity, we act on the basis of fully confronting this reality and moving, in our millions and millions, to change this reality, before it really is too late.
(If you think this is an exaggeration, and the danger is not as great as what is said here, then you don’t know who Donald Trump really is. In part 2 and the rest of this series of articles, further evidence will be brought out to show that Donald Trump is indeed a genocidal racist whose fascist regime is a threat to the very existence not only of Black people, but to the masses of oppressed humanity, and to humanity itself—and, once again, what we are urgently called on to do in the face of this.)
Part 2
Donald Trump hates Black people, and everybody who is not a “white, English-speaking, Christian American.” If he could, he would kill off a whole lot of them, and put many of the rest in jail for life, or drive them out of the country.
Don’t believe it? Think that’s an exaggeration, that it’s going too far to say that about Trump? It’s not. Trump has spouted and shouted vicious racism for years, and decades.
Thirty years ago, the Central Park 5, a group of Black and Latino teenagers, were charged with raping and beating a white woman, almost to death, in Central Park in New York City. Donald Trump took out newspaper ads calling for these youth to be put to death. The Central Park 5 were railroaded to jail for years, until finally it was proven, beyond a doubt, that they were innocent. Did Trump admit he was wrong and apologize for calling for innocent Black and Brown teenagers to be executed? NO—during his campaign for president in 2016 he still insisted that these youth were still guilty, despite the definite proof that they were not.
In the same campaign, Trump insisted that “Stop and Frisk”—which, in New York City and some other places, had terrorized huge numbers of Black and Brown youth who were innocent of committing any actual crime—should be put into effect, not just in one or a few cities, but all over the country.
If all this is what Trump wants to do with Black and Brown youth, without even caring whether they are innocent, what do you think he wants to do with all those he finds “guilty” of the “crime” of not being white Americans?
(If you think this is an exaggeration—going too far to say this about Trump—then you still don’t know who Donald Trump really is. Look for Part 3: further evidence of Donald Trump as a genocidal racist.)
Part 3
Early in his last campaign for president, Trump declared that he was going to “build a wall” to keep out Mexicans, calling the people who come to the U.S. from Mexico “drug dealers… rapists… criminals.” He said that a judge in a legal case Trump was involved in could not be “fair” to Trump because the judge was of Mexican heritage—a textbook case of racism (as even a powerful Trump supporter had to admit).
Since becoming president, along with unleashing vicious raids to deport immigrants, tearing apart families, Trump has put tens of thousands of immigrants—mostly from Mexico and nearby countries in Central America—in concentration camps on the border, while separating even very young migrant children from their parents.
Many people have pointed out that all this is the kind of thing Hitler did to “demonize” and “criminalize” Jews as he put them in concentration camps, and then murdered 6 million of them.
(If you don’t think Trump would do something as extreme as killing off large parts of those he has demonized and criminalized, you still don’t know who Donald Trump really is. Look for Part 4: further evidence of Donald Trump as a genocidal racist.)
Part 4
While running for president in 2016 Trump declared that “Muslims hate us” (“us” meaning the fascist America that Trump is moving rapidly and forcefully to pound into place). He called for “registering” all Muslims already in this country, and for banning any further immigration here by Muslims. Since becoming president, Trump has instituted a “travel ban” aimed at countries where Islam is the main religion (this “travel ban” was ultimately upheld by the Supreme Court). His fascist followers declare that Islam is “evil” and that all Muslims are “terrorists,” and Trump re-tweets hateful statements from fanatical anti-Muslim fascists.
Once again, this is the kind of thing Hitler did in demonizing and criminalizing those who did not fit his image of a “pure Germanic race.” Besides the 6 million Jews murdered by Hitler, many of these other “undesirables” were also put into concentration camps and killed by Hitler’s NAZI regime.
(If you still don’t think Trump would do something as extreme as killing off large parts of those he has demonized and criminalized, you still don’t know who Donald Trump really is. Look for Part 5: further evidence of Donald Trump as a genocidal racist.)
Part 5
In 2017, when NAZIs and other white supremacists marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, yelling racist and anti-Jewish slogans, and then an anti-racist protester was murdered by one of the white supremacists, Trump called these racist thugs “very fine people.”
This is only one of the many times Trump has encouraged and supported racist violence by white supremacist thugs. And this shows what he wants to have happen in society as a whole.
If this is no genocidal racism, what is?
(If you think this is an exaggeration – going too far to say this about Trump – then you still don’t know who Donald Trump really is. Look for Part 6: further evidence on Donald Trump as a genocidal racist.)