Monthly Archives: May 2020
From a member of the National Revolution Tour:
Science Is—Above All and Most Essentially—a Method!
Editors’ Note: These are edited excerpts of reflections from a member of the National Revolution Tour after a group discussion of Bob Avakian’s article Conspiracy Theories, Fascist “Certitude,” Liberal Paralysis, OR A Scientific Approach to Changing the World (Longer Version—The Truth Elaborated)
The Crucial Importance of the New Communism and BA’s Leadership
The following is a summation of some group study and discussion of the new communism and the leadership of Bob Avakian (BA).
“An American fascism is here and advancing…”
Sign, Spread and Raise Funds For’s New Statement of Conscience
Refuse Fascism has issued an important new Statement of Conscience to be signed by many thousands and spread throughout all of society.
From Vise Grip to Death Grip
Imperialist Domination, COVID-19, and the Poor of the World Be Damned
by Raymond Lotta
As the COVID-19 pandemic spread worldwide, the global economy contracted. As suffering and deaths caused by the virus have mounted across the planet, the world imperialist system, U.S. imperialism in particular, has responded as it always has: acting to maintain the profitable functioning and interests of empire… to even more horrific effect, especially in the oppressed countries.
May Day 2020
The World Today Is a Horror – But a Better World IS Possible!
A letter from Lili Adams
Dear friends and comrades,
The continuing progression of the coronavirus pandemic higlights the critical importance of taking a scientific view both of the virus and more fundamentally of the structure and dynamics of the capitalist-imperialist society that is bringing about so much unnecessary death and suffering all over the world.