Monthly Archives: October 2018

The West and Saudi Arabia: The head-cutters ball

20 October 2018. A World to Win News Service. The apparent murder of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi and subsequent events demonstrate an extremely ugly turn in global politics, embodied most of all by U.S. President Donald Trump and increasingly common to governments around the world: a naked discourse that “might makes right” and whatever is good for the national interests is good.

Coming 19 October: Online premier of Bob Avakian’s talk “Why We Need an Actual Revolution and How We Can Really Make Revolution”

“A flag for the Aquarius” and the immense political importance of this battle

9 October 2018. A World to Win News Service. This speech is about something that has never been addressed this way before – the basis and strategy for how a revolution could actually be carried out in a country like the U.S. Such a revolution would receive a tremendous welcome all around the globe, and people worldwide need to see this film to learn how an actual revolution could deal with the immense and unnecessary suffering humanity faces. The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA is seeking to activate hundreds of people right now to make sure as many people as possible see and engage with it.